
Welcome! This website contains information for residents of Pheasant Run Homeowner's Association. We are located in Laurel, Maryland. If you are a resident or owner in our community, please register for access to the resident-only pages. If you are interested in learning more about our community, please visit the 'About Us' link.

County Click 311
To report issues on the county-owned roads (Pheasant Run Drive and Mallard Drive), please enter a ticket at:  https://princegeorges-csrprodcwi.motorolasolutions.com/
If you wish to call in the issue instead, simply dial 311.

COVID-19 HOA Information - Playground Closure.
The Pheasant Run Homeowners Association Board continues to follow the guidance of the CDC and Maryland's state and local jurisdictional leadership for our community to help to keep it safe.
Thank you in advance for cooperating; This is extremely important to prevent community spread of COVID-19 as well as for keeping our community safe.
As explained in our email from Monday, March 16, 2020, the Pheasant Run Board is continuing to follow the guidance of the CDC and Maryland’s state and local jurisdictional leadership.
Our common areas to include the playgrounds in our Pheasant Run community are not being sanitized and are considered to be CLOSED. The Board of Directors has authorized the removal of the basketball court equipment due to children and adults continuing to play on the court, violating the 6' social distancing rules. All residents must adhere to social distancing guidelines which are necessary to keep everyone in the entire community safe.
CDC website:
State of Maryland:
State of Maryland COVID-19 aka Coronavirus information:
COVID-19 Playground Closures
Posted on Apr 21st, 2020
As explained in our email from Monday, March 16, 2020, the Pheasant Run Board is continuing to follow the guidance of the CDC and Maryland’s state and local jurisdictional leadership.
Our common areas to include the playgrounds in our Pheasant Run community are not being sanitized and are considered to be CLOSED. The Board of Directors has authorized the removal of the basketball court equipment due to children and adults continuing to play on the court, violating the 6' social distancing rules. All residents must adhere to social distancing guidelines which are necessary to keep everyone in the entire community safe.
CDC website:
State of Maryland:
State of Maryland COVID-19 aka Coronavirus information:
Upcoming Events
No Events at this time.
Contact Us
Use the following email addresses to contact us:
General questions / concerns -

Questions regarding your assessments -

Common Area Maintenance requests (trees, lighting, repairs, etc.) -

Architectural requests -

Parking issues / questions -
Things to Know
Trash Pickup
  • Trash / Recycling Pickup - Wednesday
  • Yard Waste Pickup - Monday
  • Missed Pickup - dial 3-1-1
  • To schedule a bulk trash pickup - dial 3-1-1
  • Information regarding trash pickup - https://princegeorgescountymd.gov/596/Trash-Collection
Tree trimming -
The Association uses H&H Tree Services - (202) 327-4470
Animal Control - See the Prince George's County regulations here.
  • Clean up after your pet.
  • Keep dogs on a leash at all time.
  • Attend to your pets at all times, even in the back yard.
  • Obtain the proper immunizations and licenses.

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